Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Blank CRS Home Page when running on Endeca

CRS home page is a endeca page and gets the content from the Experience Manager.
If there is no default site id configured in XM, then CRS home page will be blank.
To add the default site, follow below steps.

1. C:\Endeca\Apps\<App-name>\control\runcommand.bat IFCR exportApplication <App-name>
2. Unzip and edit C:\Endeca\Apps\<App-name>\control\<App-name>\pages\_.json to add "defaultSiteId": "/storeSiteUS"

    "ecr:createDate": "2015-11-26T22:15:35.205-06:00",
    "ecr:type": "page-root",
    "defaultSiteId": "/storeSiteUS"

3. C:\Endeca\Apps\<App-name>\control>C:\Endeca\Apps\<App-name>\control\runcommand.bat IFCR importApplication <App-name>